Tag Archives: nature

From nature we inspire

How can we join earth and sky?
No, it’s not impossible, in fact it’s possible
rain joins earth and sky together,
without even touching each other!
We learn from the rain that nothing is impossible.

When you fall, stand up again,
because waves will always rise again after falling,
We learn from the waves to never give up,
and to keep trying endlessly.

Give, without expecting to get what you gave back,
because the sun will always supply us with
light, heat, and most importantly life,
but we never return what we took back.
We learn from the sun, to be selfless.

In some places, people curse the sun!
because of it’s heat and strong rays,
but it never stopped supplying us with it.
We again learn from the sun that we shouldn’t
care about people who doesn’t appreciate our work,
because eventually someone will.

Always be as useful as a tree,
It’ll always feed you from it’s fruit,
Even if it was fruitless, it’ll allow you to sit in it’s shadow,
And even after it dies, you’ll use the wood in furnitures.
We learn from the trees to be useful in all situations.

We always remember how great life is,
when we see a beautiful livable flower,
We learn from the flowers to supply people with hope.

This little creature never fail to inspire everybody,
Despite the ant‘s size,
it works harder than some people.
We learn from the ants to work hard and never give up.

You’ll always find something new,
if you searched in an ocean,
it will always surprise you with the amount of
creatures it hides, waiting for the right time to show them.
We learn from the ocean to be full of surprises,
and to hide our talents until we find the right time and place to show them.


These are few examples, which inspires me, and make me who I am.
You have to find your inspirations in life and you can that right now, you just gotta..

    Get outdoors,
    Close your eyes,
    Inhale positivity,
    Exhale negativity,
    Open your eyes,
    Stare at everything around you,
    Expand your mind,
    and Think deeply about everything.

I’m certain that you’ll find many things that will inspire you, because nature itself is an inspiration.

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