Roller Coaster

As a debater, the first thing I do is to define what I’m going to talk about.

Roller coaster: a small gravity railroad, especially in an amusement park, having a train with open cars that moves along a high, sharply winding trestle built with steep inclines that produce sudden, speedy plunges for thrill-seeking passengers. (reference)

I believe that life is a roller coaster, and some people are veloxrotaphobic –or simply roller coaster phobic– but what’s the point of living if you’re afraid of life? You have to overcome your fears, specially that one, but how? Here is some tips to overcome your fear of life:

1- Google life, make sure that you know what life is.

2- Read about people’s experiences in life.

3- Take a little step towards life.

4- Slowly, progress into bigger steps.

5- Make friends with positive people, who will encourage you to take the next step.

6- Have limits, and don’t push it until you’re ready to do so, and don’t let anyone push you to do anything that you don’t want to do.

7- Stay updated with everything.

8- Make mistakes, because eventually you’ll learn from them, and become a better person.

9- Never quit, because quitting is permanent and problems are temporary.

10- Apply your own rules, and follow them.

11- Remember that even if you lost, you won an experience.

12- If you were stressed, it’s okay to scream.

13- It’s okay to ask for help.

14- Talk to people who enjoy life.

15- Believe in yourself.

16- Have faith in everything.

17- Work harder than everyone and never give up.

18- Be optimistic.

19- Always tell yourself that everything is going to be okay.

These are few tips that will help you to overcome your fears in life, and to start living fearlessly, but only if you believed that life is a roller coaster.

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