Stop looking to start finding

People made me believe that good friends don’t exist, that’s why I stopped looking for them..
But I believe that when you stop looking for something, that’s when you find it.
It has only been a couple of days since we first talked, but I have a good reputation for my sixth sense, and I believe that I finally found that good friend who I can trust.

Can you all stop for a minute and think about your previous days?
How many times have you forgot where did you put something and you kept looking for it, but only when you stopped looking, you found it?
I’m 100% sure that everybody has been through this kind of situations.

The real questions is, have you ever thought that stop looking would lead you to finding?
And I’m pretty sure it will lead you to find the best and only it. So let’s just stop looking to start finding.

If you already have a friend, but he isn’t good enough,
try to dig in him to find his goodness,
you’ll eventually find it, because we all have good sides.

P.S. don’t look so far away, because what you’re looking for might be right next to you.

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