Author Archives: maryamalhababi

Somebody was nobody

I kept thinking how am I supposed to start this blog.
Thinking, thinking, and thinking.
I wrote couple of sentences, but ended up erasing them.
I’m telling you, I don’t know how to start,
but then I thought maybe the reader should create this introduction,
So please help me do this..
For a very long time, I thought I’m somebody,
until several questions stopped me and made me realize that I’m nobody,
let me ask you these questions,
Who are you?
What are you in this life?
What have you done?

I’ll stop here,
Now it’s your turn,
Think again.

These three simple questions changed my whole life!
When I first asked myself these questions,
the only answer I got was:

    I’m nobody but a 15-years-old Arabian girl, that have done nothing in this world.

That made me burst of anger!
How come I’m nobody?!
Is that what I want to be?!
Someone who’ll be forgotten right after she dies,
Is that what I really want?!
That was my motivation,
I don’t want to die without leaving my print in this life,
I don’t want to be defined as a 15-years-old Arabian girl.
I don’t want to be that girl who has done nothing in her life.
because our lives are gifts from god,
we don’t just look at the gift,
we use it!

That made me decide that I have to work hard,
And that achievements must NOT stop at any point,
That is why I worked, still working, and will keep working.

That’s not the only thing I found after asking myself these questions,
The most important thing that I found was myself,
I found myself, I know who am I!
I’m somebody,
Somebody with many theories in life.
Somebody who believed in herself.
Somebody who decided to speak up.
Somebody who actually thinks.
Somebody who refused to be defined by others.
Somebody with many dreams, dreams that need to be set as goals, goals that need to get achieved.
Somebody who loved life.
Somebody who disagreed with all the definitions, the dictionaries have for the word human.
Somebody who made the word human-to-be up.
Somebody who attacked the word impossible, and won the fight, which as a result removed the prefix (im).
Somebody who decided that she doesn’t want to be anybody in this universe but herself.
That’s me, somebody.

    Now who are you?

Think, and after you think, make a decision.
Decide who you are,
Decide who you want to be.
Decide whether you want to actually live this life or you just want it to pass by.
Decide whether you want to leave your print in this life or not.
Decide whether you want all the next generations to remember you or not.
Decide with what do you want people to remember you.

Find yourself, and be a somebody.

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Life isn’t a destination but a journey

Since I’m a freshman,
I have to decide what will I study for the next few years of my life,
so whenever I talk to a person I ask him about her/his future,
and unexpectedly the most common answers I got were
‘anything easy’
‘I don’t know’
‘who cares?’
‘anything that will get me money’…etc.

I thought we are the leaders of tomorrow,
I thought we are the ones who are going to change the world,
but I’m disappointed.

How can a person live without dreams in life?!
dreams that at some point will turn into goals.
Nobody is going to plan your life for you,
because you and only you have to do that!
At some point in your life or even after it,
you’ll be asked: what have you done in life?
and you’ll stand there with no answer…
You’ll just stand there with a blank face,
regretting your life.
So why don’t you start dreaming?
write your dreams down and make them goals,
work hard to achieve these goals,
and when you achieve them,
dream again, set your dreams as goals, work hard, achieve them!
It’s a cycle that you have to follow in life,
and that’s when you’ll get years of talking,
to answer that question.

Some people,
had dreams and set them to be goals,
achieved them, and stopped dreaming.
they planted a seed deep in theirselves,
called ‘You’ve got enough!’
No you didn’t get enough,
you need more, more, and more!
because you have to remove the limits for your dreams!
Make them endless,
You have to enjoy every moment in life,
and turn it into a good memory that worth remembering.

Why do you have to be so desperate in life when life itself hand you hope?
Be hopeful! Take advantage of it,
Lets be the leaders of tomorrow!
Lets change the world into a better one!
It’s all between our hands!
The youth’s hands.

If you’re a dreamer,
keep dreaming, but not for much,
because you might get drove down to the dreamworld,
but we’re on earth,
So as I said previously,
It’s a cycle,
Set goals
Work hard
Don’t stop at that terminal,
but keep travel through life airlines,
and enjoy your journey,
until you reach your destination,
and that will be death.

Always keep in mind that,
even if you failed, get up and try again, because at some point you will pass.
and also keep in mind that,
people, events, accidents, experiences and emotions are the valuable factors of life.

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I’ve got a fan!

Hey guys!
A whole week without any new post!
I know, I know..
I just was giving myself a break,
’cause everybody need one.

So previously in the ‘Roller Coaster’ post,
I mentioned some tips to overcome your fears in life,
so one of my blog followers –or as they call themselves,
my fans, and I’m so glad that I’ve got some– took
these tips and made them pics!
and I felt like sharing these pics with you guys,
you might dislike reading what’s written in a sheet,
but I’m pretty sure that you’ll guys love these pics!
I guess I talked a lot,
Well it’s time to let the pics speak..


At the end, I’d like to thank the person who made these pics and quoted me,
Thank you very much, they’re really lovely,
I hope you guys loved the pics as much as I did,
Thank you, again.

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From nature we inspire

How can we join earth and sky?
No, it’s not impossible, in fact it’s possible
rain joins earth and sky together,
without even touching each other!
We learn from the rain that nothing is impossible.

When you fall, stand up again,
because waves will always rise again after falling,
We learn from the waves to never give up,
and to keep trying endlessly.

Give, without expecting to get what you gave back,
because the sun will always supply us with
light, heat, and most importantly life,
but we never return what we took back.
We learn from the sun, to be selfless.

In some places, people curse the sun!
because of it’s heat and strong rays,
but it never stopped supplying us with it.
We again learn from the sun that we shouldn’t
care about people who doesn’t appreciate our work,
because eventually someone will.

Always be as useful as a tree,
It’ll always feed you from it’s fruit,
Even if it was fruitless, it’ll allow you to sit in it’s shadow,
And even after it dies, you’ll use the wood in furnitures.
We learn from the trees to be useful in all situations.

We always remember how great life is,
when we see a beautiful livable flower,
We learn from the flowers to supply people with hope.

This little creature never fail to inspire everybody,
Despite the ant‘s size,
it works harder than some people.
We learn from the ants to work hard and never give up.

You’ll always find something new,
if you searched in an ocean,
it will always surprise you with the amount of
creatures it hides, waiting for the right time to show them.
We learn from the ocean to be full of surprises,
and to hide our talents until we find the right time and place to show them.


These are few examples, which inspires me, and make me who I am.
You have to find your inspirations in life and you can that right now, you just gotta..

    Get outdoors,
    Close your eyes,
    Inhale positivity,
    Exhale negativity,
    Open your eyes,
    Stare at everything around you,
    Expand your mind,
    and Think deeply about everything.

I’m certain that you’ll find many things that will inspire you, because nature itself is an inspiration.

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To be heard is a choice

They are lazy all the time..
Hungry when they just had lunch..
Sleepy when they just woke up from their 4hours nap..
Busy doing nothing..
Tired of lying..
And dizzy of standing!

They can be whatever they want to be at anytime,
shopaholics, food-addicts, photographers,
fashion designers, authors, dreamers, cupcake makers,
sketchers, makeup artists, musicians, and whatsoever,

the question is: WHO ARE THEY?

Arab youth are they !
That’s how people define us,
but is that how we want to be defined?
Is that what we really are?

The answer is no.
You can’t define us the minority of the youth by the majority of them,
I wish it was the opposite though.

Me– as an example,
you can’t define me saying
‘sleepy when you just woke up from your 4hours nap’
I don’t nap, I work instead!
I don’t bake cakes, I burn cakes!
I’m not a make-up artist, I make people look like zombies!
I don’t dream –nothing is wrong with dreaming though, I plan!
I don’t make music, I make eardrums burst!
I’m not who you think I am!
I refuse to be mistaken with anybody,
because I’m nobody but myself.
I’ll keep writing and talking, as long as I can do so.
I have a voice, and my voice needs to be heard.


We are ambitious,
We have goals in life,
We work hard to achieve our dreams,
We have the power to change,
We make plans out of dreams,
And our dreams are endless,
We believe in ourselves,
We never give up,
We make every rejection a motive to work harder and speak louder,
We are different.

Last words: to be heard is a choice, and I chose to be heard through my words, find your own way !

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Stop looking to start finding

People made me believe that good friends don’t exist, that’s why I stopped looking for them..
But I believe that when you stop looking for something, that’s when you find it.
It has only been a couple of days since we first talked, but I have a good reputation for my sixth sense, and I believe that I finally found that good friend who I can trust.

Can you all stop for a minute and think about your previous days?
How many times have you forgot where did you put something and you kept looking for it, but only when you stopped looking, you found it?
I’m 100% sure that everybody has been through this kind of situations.

The real questions is, have you ever thought that stop looking would lead you to finding?
And I’m pretty sure it will lead you to find the best and only it. So let’s just stop looking to start finding.

If you already have a friend, but he isn’t good enough,
try to dig in him to find his goodness,
you’ll eventually find it, because we all have good sides.

P.S. don’t look so far away, because what you’re looking for might be right next to you.

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Roller Coaster

As a debater, the first thing I do is to define what I’m going to talk about.

Roller coaster: a small gravity railroad, especially in an amusement park, having a train with open cars that moves along a high, sharply winding trestle built with steep inclines that produce sudden, speedy plunges for thrill-seeking passengers. (reference)

I believe that life is a roller coaster, and some people are veloxrotaphobic –or simply roller coaster phobic– but what’s the point of living if you’re afraid of life? You have to overcome your fears, specially that one, but how? Here is some tips to overcome your fear of life:

1- Google life, make sure that you know what life is.

2- Read about people’s experiences in life.

3- Take a little step towards life.

4- Slowly, progress into bigger steps.

5- Make friends with positive people, who will encourage you to take the next step.

6- Have limits, and don’t push it until you’re ready to do so, and don’t let anyone push you to do anything that you don’t want to do.

7- Stay updated with everything.

8- Make mistakes, because eventually you’ll learn from them, and become a better person.

9- Never quit, because quitting is permanent and problems are temporary.

10- Apply your own rules, and follow them.

11- Remember that even if you lost, you won an experience.

12- If you were stressed, it’s okay to scream.

13- It’s okay to ask for help.

14- Talk to people who enjoy life.

15- Believe in yourself.

16- Have faith in everything.

17- Work harder than everyone and never give up.

18- Be optimistic.

19- Always tell yourself that everything is going to be okay.

These are few tips that will help you to overcome your fears in life, and to start living fearlessly, but only if you believed that life is a roller coaster.

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Raised to be a human

Head, hair, eyes, nose, cheeks, ears, mouth, chin, neck, shoulders, chest, arms, hands, fingers, tummy, hips, thighs, knees, foot, and toes, all attached together. That’s what pops in your mind when you think of a human, but is that what we really mean by a human? A new baby born has all of these parts, but I don’t count him as a human, physically he is, but most importantly he isn’t, spiritually. What’s the point of having the human parts and not having the human spirit? No point.

A human isn’t a human, until he gets spiritually raised by life. Don’t ask me how long would it take, because it differs. As the majority of people are, I still didn’t reach that level where I can call myself and be called a human. A person can die at the age of 60 without getting to be a human, it depends on the way you think of life and people around you.

I once heard someone saying that humans are selfish, but that’s not true, people are selfish but humans aren’t.

To be a human, you have to have a sense of love, peace, faith, and care for and in everything –EVERYTHING. If you couldn’t, just try to do what people always say ‘fake it until you make it’. If you believed in it, you’ll make it, because we were meant to be raised to be humans and that’s also why we call ourselves humans-to-be.

P.S. it’s just one theory of millions of theories of mine,


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